Road Running

Berkshire Athletics Road Running Championship 2025

Berkshire Athletics County Championship races are incorporated into scheduled road races staged in, or as near as practicable to, the county.

For 2025, 4 races are nominated covering distances from 5 miles to half marathon. 
In addition, runners are invited to submit times for any certified marathon that they run between 14th February and October 31st to, where they will be collated and points & medals awarded at the end of the season.

The races for the 2025 Championship are as follows:

  • 23rd February Wokingham Half Marathon
  • 18th April Maidenhead Easter 10
  • 11th May Marlow 5
  • 29th June Wargrave 10k
  • Any certified marathon held between 23rd February 2025 and 31st October

For each race, medals will be awarded for the first three finishers in each age and sex category, with points also awarded for the overall Championship Trophy. For the points championship, the best 4 scores will count (from a possible 5 races).

Results will be published on the Berkshire Athletics website, with links also published to the Berkshire Athletics Facebook page

Medals and trophies will be presented at the Berkshire Athletics AGM which is held in November.

How to enter the Road Running Championships?

Click here to fill in the entry form.

You should receive an email confirming your entry after submitting the form.

You only need to enter the Championship once per year, and you will automatically be entered for all the races that are held after the date of your championship entry.

Questions relating to eligibility and championship rules are covered in the road running FAQ here, but if you have any questions please email


How to enter the County Championships?

Berkshire County Championship races are incorporated into scheduled road races staged in, or as near as practicable to, the county.  

Dates and locations of this year's events are listed on the Upcoming events section of the Website

It is the responsibility of runners to ensure that they have properly entered each of the hosting races they will be competing in,
notified Berkshire Athletics, prior to the scheduled race date of their first event to count.

2017 Road Running Results


The final results table from 2017 are shown here, medals and trophies were awarded at the November AGM. Individual race medals were passed to the club representatives, if you didn't recieve yours please let me know and I can chase Phil.


Congratulations everyone !

Oct 24 11:04 - Senior Mens' results updated in both files
Oct 27 16:05 - Senior Men's results: one spectacularly good marathon time amended to something more realistic




