How to enter the County Championships?

Berkshire County Championship races are incorporated into scheduled road races staged in, or as near as practicable to, the county.  

Dates and locations of this year's events are listed on the Upcoming events section of the Website

It is the responsibility of runners to ensure that they have properly entered each of the hosting races they will be competing in,
notified Berkshire Athletics, prior to the scheduled race date of their first event to count.

To do this, when you have entered your first race, please email us at quoting:

  • Name
  • Sex ( M/F )
  • Club (if applicable)
  • Date of Birth (Plus age on February  24th)
  • Criterion for eligibility e.g. birth / residence
  • EA registration number

Some of the questions relating to eligibility are covered here, but in more complicated cases, just email us and ask (email address as above).

Consider your entry confirmed when you receive a reply from me.

You only need to enter the Championship once per year, you will automatically be entered for all the races that are held after the date of your e-mail.